Eternal Flame of Hope Ministries is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit religious organization, that is also a “Private Association of the Faithful” of The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn.

100% Privately Funded

We are 100% privately funded from individual and corporate donations. Your donation really does make a tremendous difference!

We are all volunteers

All that we do is done by volunteers (except, of course, construction projects requiring skilled and licensed contractors). All maintenance, all promotional material (including this website), all cooking, cleaning, yard work, bookwork, clerical work, planning, etc. are done by non-paid volunteers! Your donation has a very big impact, going directly to the furtherance of our mission.

What we need

We still need funds to pay utilities, insurances, upkeep on equipment and nature trails, and to continue to offer spirituality and artistic programs for those visiting “Heaven’s Embrace.” One goal in particular would be to raise enough funds to provide overnight lodgings for those on retreat, that is, to construct a retreat center that would facilitate this objective.

This is up to the good Lord and His good people to accomplish. We have made a wonderful beginning. We pray to God that it continues under His watchful guidance and your continued generosity.

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